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Episode 235: Should you do less on social?

Episode 235: Should you do less on social?

Welcome to HubShots Episode 235: Should you do less on social? 

This edition we dive into:

  • Inbound 2021 dates announced
  • What are lazy loading images and why do they matter?
  • Sales forecasting
  • NPS internal notification tips
  • Why does my social traffic show up in Direct traffic?
  • Pick your social media channels - less is more
  • Umarell
  • Clutch Malarky Award

You can listen to this episode of the show here.


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Recorded: Wednesday 17 February 2021 | Published: Friday 19 February 2021

Shot 1: Growth Thought of the Week

Inbound 2021

Inbound 2021 is on from October 12-14 - all online. $49 to register until March.

That’s just 237 days from now according to Inbound Countdown.

Thanks for Reaching Out to Us

Thanks to Max who contacted me earlier this week querying why I hadn’t replied to him - turns out he’d filled a form out on the HubShots site back in December but then never heard from me.

The reason was that Ian had replied to him from his email address (ie not a HubShots address) and it had gotten missed. HubShots site form submits go to both Ian and me - you’ll get a reply from either Ian ( or Craig ( - whoever jumps on it first!

Dad joke of the Week

Should you lazy load your social?

Shot 2: Quick Shots of the Week

Here’s a few quick items of interest we noticed:

  • Use the Custom Report Builder to report on Video views (I couldn’t get this to work properly - it wouldn’t show the video title properly for me, but I’m checking further)
  • Clone/Move Workflow actions including all following Actions - nice time saving enhancement

Shot 2: HubSpot Marketing Feature of the Week

Lazy Loading Images

This is a nice update - throughout the CMS they’ve added Lazy Loading options to images. Full details here.

Lazy loading means that the browser (eg Chrome) doesn’t attempt to load an image until it is visible in the browser - ie if there’s tons of images down the page it doesn’t load them all initially - it only loads them as you scroll down.

The advantage of this is that it makes page loads faster (which is good for user experience, plus Google uses speed as part of its ranking algorithm), plus Google recommends it.

If you are using an Image control in a page it is simple - it is one of the standard settings.

If you are using a rich text editor control, you’ll need to select the image, then Edit the image, then choose Advanced settings. It’s a few extra clicks.

If you are building a template with the Image control on it, you can set this (as long as you have a default image in place).

For CSS displayed images, there doesn’t seem to be a way of setting it from the editor (instead you would set it in code).

Ideally there’d be a way to automatically turn this on for all images globally or make Lazy the default - but it doesn’t seem like it just yet (unless I’ve missed it - let me know if you know something I don’t).

The HubSpot notes indicate that the default is going to be set as Lazy, but that hasn’t been my experience checking pages.

Summary: HubSpot have done a really nice job of enabling this throughout the editor.

Note: some Themes (eg Kevin’s CLEAN theme over at Helpful Hero) has had Lazy Loading in place for ages already.

Shot 3: HubSpot Sales Feature of the Week

HubSpot Forecast Tool

Finding the Forecast tool to be a good first step to quickly step though next steps on deals.

To get this working you need to setup your sales goals and forecast settings:

Shot 4: HubSpot Service Feature of the Week

NPS Internal Notifications

Follow on from surveys last week (episode 234 Shot 4) were we discussed using NPS surveys.

One way to immediately get responses with a score of 6 and under to be actioned by the owner is to create an automation.

Tip: would be worth letting your sales team in the business know that you are running NPS surveys before you do it!

Shot 5: HubSpot Support Appreciation of the Week

Shout out to Lucius from HubSpot Support in Singapore for showing us the advanced features when you embed a video on a page to loop, mute, autoplay and hide controls..

Examples of when it is OK to Autoplay video:

  • Background/hero videos
  • Short example videos (similar to an animated gif)

It is almost never OK to autoplay a video with the sound on!

Shot 6: Marketing Tip of the Week

Tracking your social traffic

I was reminded of this yesterday when a new client mentioned he’d noticed links he was sharing on Facebook were showing up as Direct traffic in Google Analytics.

We’ve mentioned this a number of times on the show before, but it is worth repeating.

If you are posting links on social (eg Facebook) make sure you add utm parameters so that you can properly attribute the traffic.

A lot of social traffic is ending up in Direct category. This is sometimes referred to as Dark Social, however the Wikipedia page can be confusing, since it is generally talking about other social channels.

You can use the Google URL builder, or if you have HubSpot Marketing Pro, you can use the HubSpot URL builder.

Here’s how easy it is to use the HubSpot URL builder - assume we are building a link to the HubShots home page to share on Twitter:

Here’s the URL you’d end up with: 

And it will also create a short URL: 

Note: If you are using a social sharing tool eg HubSpot Social tool or tools such as Buffer, HootSuite, Sprout etc - they automatically add all the utm tracking tags for you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ideally use a tool such as HubSpot Social, or Buffer or HootSuite to share links on social
  • If you share natively on the platforms, make sure you add utm tags if you want to be able to attribute the traffic correctly

Shot 7: Insight of the Week

Picking Your Channels

I’ve been enjoying Joe Pullizi’s podcast each week.

In a recent episode he discussed the importance of doing one thing well, before you extend yourself too thin. A common example is trying to be across lots of channels when starting out. Whilst I think it is fine to have a presence on each (eg setup your social accounts), it takes a lot of work to be effective on each.

One of the things I’ve been focussing on this year is cutting down on the number of activities/channels/strategies I focus on.

Perhaps you feel a little stretched as well.

In my particular case - and this is just me, it’s not a general recommendation - I’ve decided to focus on only these core activities/channels:

  • This podcast (audio)
  • These show notes, which are then emailed out each Friday (email)
  • Some Twitter

That’s it for now.

Everything else - including channels Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Clubhouse, and [insert your own flavour of the month channel] and other formats (eg video) - I’ve either ignored (and not even started) or else pulled back from.

I want to get really good at just this podcast, and these show notes for now. That’s how I’m attempting to provide the most value (listen to last week’s episode 234 shot 7 for what value actually is).

Let me know whether this resonates with you, and which channels you are focussing on.

BTW you can sign up for the show notes here.

Key takeaway: Should you be concentrating your focus on more impact in fewer channels?

Shot 8: HubShots Throwback of the Week

Via the HubSpot product updates blog.

This time a year ago HubSpot was rolling out an update to the HubSpot Mobile App to include Tasks.

Shot 9: Resource of the Week

Word: Umarell

This is a great word to know: umarell 

Umarell is a folk term in Bologna referring specifically to men of retirement age who pass the time watching construction sites, especially roadworks — stereotypically with hands clasped behind their back and offering unwanted advice. The term is employed as lighthearted mockery or self-deprecation.

Reminds me of most interactions I see on social (hence see my Shot 7 above).

Cloudflare for Families

Use Cloudflare for your DNS resolver and it will automatically block malware and adult content. Follow the instructions here.

(We’ve mentioned this previously on the show, but worth another mention.)

Shot 10: Quote of the Week

“The curse of modernity is that we are increasingly populated by a class of people who are better at explaining than understanding, or better at explaining than doing.”

— Nassim Taleb in Skin in the Game

Shot 11: Bonus Links of the Week

Editing Trick

Handy editing trick from Derek Gleason (via Twitter):

The only editing magic trick I know:

1. Highlight a paragraph that's wordy or confusing.

2. Add the comment, "What do you mean here?"

3. Wait for the author to respond to the comment.

4. Copy-paste the author's response in place of the troublesome paragraph.


Shot 12: Big Shots of the Week

Malarky of the Week

We received an email that we’d won a Clutch Award.

We’ve done next to nothing on Clutch except create a profile and get a few reviews. In return we’ve received a bunch of low quality leads - none of which have turned in to customers.

Apparently that’s all we needed to do to win an award.

Yes, yes, I know, it’s just a link building campaign they are running in an attempt to get us to add an article to our site linking back to them - and best of luck to them with that - it’s a common approach. But at a minimum they could at least validate the companies they award… eg what are the criteria they use?

At least it is not as bad as the scam campaigns that ask companies to pay money to be awarded.

Shot 13: Follow Us on the Socials

Connect with HubShots here:

Connect with Ian Jacob on LinkedIn and Craig Bailey on LinkedIn (but note that Craig only checks every week or so).

But most importantly, sign up for the show notes here.

HubShots, the podcast for marketing managers and sales professionals who use HubSpot, hosted by Ian Jacob from Search & Be Found and Craig Bailey from XEN Systems.

HubShots is produced by Christopher Mottram from Podcastily.

Please share this with colleagues - it helps us improve and reach more marketers.

HubShots Episode 235

Full Transcript of HubShots Episode 235

- Hi, everyone. Welcome to HubShots Episode 235. In this episode, we talk about, should you do less on social plus lazy loading images and why they matter, sales forecasting, NPS internal notification tips, and why do my social traffic show up in direct traffic plus much, much more. You're listening to Asia Pacific's, number one HubSpot focused podcast, where we discuss HubSpot tips, tricks and strategies for growing your sales service and marketing results. My name is Ian Jacob from Search & Be Found and with me is the lovely Craig Bailey from XEN Systems. How are you Craig?

- The lovely, I always enjoy those interesting things, Ian. Look, it's really good to be here. And by the way, do you know what's 237 days away from today as we record this on Wednesday the 17th of February 2021?

- Inbound.

- That's right.

- And we know that because we have

- That's right, you can head there. It's all online again, even though it looks like by the end of the year, travel to some extent will be--

- Reinstated.

- Reinstated and returned and people traveling, but it's all gonna be online. Get your tickets. I think it's 49 bucks until mid March. You attended last year, I think, didn't you? No you didn't? You're like me. It's kind of like we're just--

- We couldn't do anything last year. Oh no, sorry, I attended online Craig.

- That's what I mean. I didn't even attend online. I think I was just overwhelmed with so much online stuff. I just didn't get around to it.

- And listeners, I wanna say thank you for reaching out to us. And we did get a note from--

- From max. Thanks for this max. And I'm kind of saying apologies, but also there's been a misunderstanding. So he reached out to us, for help, to get consulting help, filled out a form on our site. Now you replied to him, I think on that day. But it came from your email address. And I think he was expecting either my email address or a HubShots' email address. So then he replied to, he actually contacted me this week and said you never got back to me. Why not? What's going on? I'm like, oh, we did. So listeners, that's a fail on our side, branding wise. He's probably, who is this Ian guy? But you're the co-host of the show. We introduce ourselves at the start. Maybe people just don't make the connection that you work for a company called--

- Search & Be Found.

- Search & Be Found and you sent him the email.

- So listeners that's why I probably encourage people, connect with myself on LinkedIn. Just so there's another point of contact, just in case we miss each other. And I know a lot of people have, and we've started conversations. I've discovered listeners that live not far away, that are now clients of ours. So it's been a lovely journey and I love meeting new people. If we don't reply or you don't get a response to anyway, it's not that we probably haven't responded, maybe it ended up in spam or just reach out to us on LinkedIn.

- And thanks for the night Max. Because yeah, that's just a little touch point we need to fix up.

- That's right. All right, Craig, you've got a dad joke of the week.

- Yeah, because we're gonna talk about social and cutting down social. But we're talking about lazy loading in HubSpot in two shots time and we're just like, oh, should you lazy load your social? That joke of the week right there. Will make sense once we cover them both later in the show.

- All right, onto our quick shots of the week, Craig. And here are two items of interest. First one is using the custom report builder to report on video views.

- Now this looks promising. I have to admit listeners, I couldn't get this to work. So you go into customer builder, and you can choose, well, contacts is chosen for you, but you can choose video. So I can get that far and I can build a graph based on it. But when I try and break it down by the video title or the media title, it's just not working for me. It works in the HubSpot little demo. And I might've given that the habit. Yeah, I couldn't get it to work but I'm gonna keep working on it. Maybe that's something I've done wrong. But I think this is really good because the sense is within your HubSpot portal, you can do a report on the videos. This is HubSpot videos, embedded videos. And what people's attention is how many views they had, stuff like that. So that's a great, useful report. Am I doing something wrong? I don't know, but yeah.

- You should've contacted support, Craig.

- I should have.

- And then the next one is the clean move workflow actions including all following actions.

- Yeah, that's clone, not clean.

- Sorry.

- Sorry. Don't wanna clean out all those actions. But this is, you know when you've got a big branch with some kind of something like, oh, I just wanna move that over here. And it's like, ah--

- Now I gotta go and recreate the whole thing.

- So it's the little things Ian. It's the little things--

- It's the little things that make us happy. Isn't it Craig? All right, onto the HubSpot marketing feature of the week. And here we talk about lazy loading images.

- I'll just explain what this is for people who aren't aware of the term, lazy load. If you're a bit more on the technical side, you'd be like, yeah, I'm all across this. But if you're not, it's essentially a setting on an image so that when you're scrolling through the page, let's say you've got a page, got tons of images on it. And if some of them are large, if it tries to load everything right at the start that could slow the page down. Lazy loading just means as you scroll down, as the image is coming into view, that's when it loads. So it makes the page faster to load. That's good from user experience point of view, it's good from Google's eyes because the faster, we do know that speed is a little bit of a ranking factor as well. And of course Google recommends it. I mean, they were pretty quick to support it in Chrome. I think, I'm gonna say a year ago or more. Maybe it's not that long. But they've certainly supported it. So what HubSpot's done is they've said, all right, by default, it doesn't work. So all your websites, all your images, they just all load at the start. But lazy loading, you actually have to set it for each image. So what HubSpot's done is they've started putting this throughout their page editors where you can ticket to go easy load. That's very nice. If you've got an image module, it's great. It's just right there. If you're working with a rich text editor view, it can be a little bit a few more clicks required. You've got to click the image, then edit the image, then go advanced, then choose it. But it's still there. You can set it in a module like, sorry, in a template if you're setting it. Now, the I'm confused about is because when I was looking through the HubSpot notes, they said, by default, if you haven't set it, then it will lazy load. Now that hasn't been my experience. I tried existing pages and it doesn't seem they're set to lazy laod. I actually had to go through images and put them on. So my point is maybe that's still rolling out or maybe cause I've got some old templates on pages. Maybe it can't do it. And maybe by default, if there were themes or something like that.

- I wonder if it's theme-based to be honest.

- I don't think it should be. I think it should be an underlying thing throughout the system. And so maybe it's something I've missed. I was only playing this today, just to be fully upfront and it's not something I've spent a lot of time with. But I would just by default, like a setting globally on almost that in the settings levels just like every image, lazy load. I think that's what they were implying that it was gonna do, but that hasn't been my experience. So maybe it will feedback. But I think this is really cool. So I would say to anyone, just go through and start setting this on. The other thing I'll just mention is that, although this is new in the editor for HubSpot, some of the templates like our friend, Kevin Freeman, helpful here. This has been in his claim theme for ages. He had this lazy loading. I loved it about it, his templates. So it's probably already in some of the templates or themes that you're working with, but then this just makes it uniform throughout the whole system.

- All right, onto HubSpot sales feature of the week, Craig. And this is about we're finding the forecast tool to be a good first step in a quick and easy way to put a next step in deals. And we've been rolling this out across our clients. And it's been interesting because there's a little bit of set up to be done to get to this stage. And the first thing you need to do is to set up your sales forecast settings. So you can actually set the forecast period in the pipeline. You can do it monthly or quarterly. And the next thing you can automatically forecast the categories and you can make sure that the forecast deal stages for those categories are correct. So HubSpot will try to figure out where things go based on how it's named, et cetera. And sometimes the probabilities might go out. So check that, but it is a great first step. And so we've been rolling this out, playing around with it, discussing different options with people that we work with but I actually love it as a start. So have a look and you're gotta be having sales, professional and enterprise to make this work.

- Look, I think this is a good indication of where HubSpot's pushing. They're really pushing into that whole sales management, not just sales rep activities which they've covered quite well now. It's up in the sales management and forecasting and then reporting on it. So you can just see where they're going. There's been a lot of focus on the whole sale side lately. It's really good.

- All right, onto our HubSpot service feature of the week. And this is following on from the episode last week, 234, shot four, where we discuss NPS surveys and the importance of it. Now we're talking about this week, is how to get someone to action this and the example here is we have people in sales that own relationships. And so what we did was we set up a workflow and there are three properties that are available within context to do with NPS service. So we set this up, anyone that had an NPS survey rating of zero one, two, three, four, five, six, and the NPS survey date was less than 14 days ago, we create a follow-up task for the contact owner to talk to that person and figure out what's happened. Now, this is all well and good until we forgot to tell the people in sales that we were doing this. So my little tip is talk to people before you do this within the business, especially contact owners because some people might not be aware, A, why you're doing it, and B, what the next steps are with this. So when I spoke to somebody in sales, they mentioned to me, they said, I thought HubSpot kicked this off. I'm like, no, we did along with the general manager. And I said, it was really for us to find out how our customers are feeling and why things are not working in certain areas. And overall she had very good response. There's been a few responses that we were surprised by. And so we were able to pick that up and work with it. So now what we're gonna do is roll this out every three months to survey people, to see whether we can increase the NPS score across the company.

- So can I just ask you, and a good screenshot you've got in the show notes. By the way, folks sign up to get our weekly email. It comes out on Fridays.

- And it's jam packed with goodness.

- Jam packed with not only things we've discussed but some extras and screenshots which are really important. In your screenshot you've said, and one of the criteria for contact enrollment was, and last NPS survey date is less than 14 days ago. Was that just so that, 'cause the first time it might've just picked up stuff from years ago.

- Just to avoid that from happening, I did that. And in the task, Craig, I put all the NPS feels to do with the service. So the person in sales didn't have to go to the contact record to have a look at what the person said. They could just do it straight from the task. All right. The next shot is the HubSpot support appreciation of the week Craig, and I am gonna talk about this because I spoke to Lucius from HubSpot, Singapore, and this is more to do with a customer that asked us, how do I loop a video on a blog post, what this happened to be. And I was like, oh, I've never tried that out. Anyway, I jumped onto support and he was kind enough to show me how to loop the video, mute the video, auto play and hide the controls. And it's an advanced feature and I've put animated GIF there, because he actually showed it to me in an animated GIF. And I was like, oh, how did you do this? Anyway, he was using a program, which I haven't mentioned in the show notes, but I might put a link to it. But really shows you the ability of what you can do. And I just wanna pre-phase this as we were discussing, examples of when it's okay to auto play a video. So things like background and hero videos, and short examples that are similar to animated GIFs which is a very good point. It's almost never okay to auto play a video with sound on. And in this example, it was essentially one of our customers showing how they go through a design process and there was no sound in it. And it was very short. So just wanted to have it looping so that people could see, okay, well this is kind of how they get to the result. It was a good example of how to utilize it. So I definitely recommend you look at the advanced features that are popping up everywhere in the system. All right, now onto the market tip of the week and talking and tracking your social traffic.

- Yeah, I was reminded of this, we were in a client call yesterday, new client coming on. And one of the things that he raised is, oh, I've just boosted some HubSpot, HubSpot, some Facebook posts. And yet when I'm seeing them in analytics in HubSpot or Google Analytics, they're turning up indirect for that traffic. I was like, oh yeah, you're not UTM tagging them, are you? He was like, oh, what's that? So I know we've mentioned this on the show before but it's a common trap we find clients falling into and it's a hard one. Well, how would you know? You would just assume I'm putting on on Facebook. Surely Google Analytics knows it's from Facebook. The problem is that it's falling into this direct bucket that's often referred to as dark social. And the reason it gets caught is because if it's within an app, the Facebook app, and especially if you're on an iPhone, I think even Safari on iPhone now, they're blocking that. They strip out all that refer information in the name of privacy. I'm not gonna say whether I think that's a good or a bad thing. With my marketing hat on, it's slightly frustrating 'cause we can't get that attribution but it's very simple to solve. You just need to put UTM parameters on. So that sounds, UTM parameters sounds tricky. Well, it's actually reasonably straight forward and we've got links in the show notes to two tools. One, if you've got HubSpot Pro, there's the HubSpot URL builder. You can just build it there. And we've got screenshots here where you can see how to do it. If you don't have a HubSpot Pro, you can use the Google URL Builder. And it's great as well. Now, even better though, is just use a tool for doing that scheduling on social. So if you're using the HubSpot social tool or Buffer or Hootsuite or Sprout Social or any of these other tools, they'll do that automatic tagging for you. So you get that. But if you're just natively going on to Facebook, dropping and linking tags, then it will often get lost. LinkedIn's another one we find clients are often just natively posting stuff on LinkedIn and then wondering why it's not coming through. So another reminder there. We've got in the show notes for how to do that.

- Now, Craig, do you ever wonder where UTM came from?

- I have wondered that. And my brain is, can you hear the cogs in my brain? Tell me, where was it?

- Well, I wondered this and on some of the Google training that we do, it was discussed. And so I'm gonna tell you--

- Does it include the word Urchin?

- Yes, it does.

- Yes, that's right. What is it?

- So listeners, I'll take a step back. Google actually purchased what is now known as Google Analytics back in 2005 from Urchin Software Corporation. So UTM stands for Urchin Tracking Module and that's where that came from. And that's why we talk in these acronyms and terms. And so I just wanted to let people understand why it's called that and the importance of it in Google Analytics, even though it's not called Urchin any longer.

- Yeah, nice fun. There we go, a bit of history for you.

- All right, Craig. Now we're gonna talk about our insight of the week. Picking your channels.

- I've really been enjoying Joe Pulizzi's podcast. I think we mentioned it last week on the show. I just really like, I forgot what it's called but it's got five minutes, 10-minute episodes. He just talks about things. One of the recent episodes, he was discussing doing less, like people get on social and they feel I need to be everywhere, every channel. And his point is, you just need to focus on one, get really good at one first and then expand out. He actually gave, when he was setting up his point, when he was talking, he was talking about Amazon. Amazon wasn't always great at everything. They started with books. I think as we all know. It started as a bookshop and they got really good at that. And then they, you know what they went to next? I think it was CDs or DVDs. Eventually they've grown into so many areas. His point just being, get really good at one thing first. And so he often advises clients, just pick one social channel, get really good at it, all one format. And I was like, I'd so relate to this. Cause I've kind of been doing this intuitively lately. I've cut back on all my social channels. Not only trying to be on them, but also just consuming them, not even lurking on them. And then I've been thinking, well, what have I actually been focusing on? And so for me, and this is not a recommendation to people, this is just an example of how I've applied it. I've really said my main formats are gonna be this podcast, so that's audio, and then turning the podcast show notes into an email. So that's text with images and email. It's really just audio and email. And I really wanna build the HubSpot's email list and communicate with our listeners and clients that way. That's what I wanna get really good at. And so that's why, I dunno, well, people who have subscribed to our show notes would have, I think or hopefully have seen the quality improve over the last couple of months. We've been putting a lot more attention into it, a lot more work. And really this podcast is how I talk. I don't like doing video as you know. I don't like being on Instagram and LinkedIn and all these other channels. And so I've just really pulled back. I'm just gonna double down on what I really like and what I think we can be excellent at. And then the only other thing is I do a little bit of Twitter and that's about it. That's me. Again, not a recommendation for others in terms of those specifics, but the recommendation I feel is in the concept. Get really good at just a few things. I think it's okay to have a presence. Like I do have a LinkedIn account and Instagram account. Presence is fine, but they don't have my focus. So that's me. I don't know if you find that useful. I know you're really good at being on the other channels and you make up for my deficit there, Ian. But what's your thoughts?

- I think you're right, Craig and I always tell people exactly what you've said in terms of start in one place where your audience is. Work on that, be really good at before moving to the next thing. And even like we say with a lot of stuff that we're doing on a day-to-day basis is, plan it all out. Don't be erratic about what you do. So there are certain things you can plan and execute in a very orderly fashion. And then there are other things that obviously needs to be done on the spot. But a lot of it, if you have thought and effort and think about what you're gonna do, you can actually have that all ready and not have any angst about, you have to be posting and you have to be doing stuff. And again, is the channel producing results? And if it is, then continue, otherwise you can, I would say just slow it down and continue to maybe just automate some of that stuff. Another thing I would say is like, people say, you should actually get all of your social channels. You should own, when I say on them, you should have them--

- Claim the brand.

- Claim the brand. You don't have to utilize it, but claim it. That's one of the biggest things like when we start with people is that they don't claim their brands.

- I definitely agree with that. That's a good clarification.

- That's right. So I'll definitely go through the process, claim everything, and then look at the channels where your audience is and focus on those first, before moving on to other things. All right, Craig, onto our HubShots throwback of the week. And a year ago, HubSpot was rolling out an update to the HubSpot mobile app to include tasks.

- I feel that the HubSpot mobile app, it doesn't get a lot of recognition.

- No, it doesn't.

- But I know some of your clients, they just--

- They use it all the time.

- It's crucial for the running their business. All the reps out on the road, that kind of stuff. It's just this little hidden weapon in a way in the HubSpot arsenal. And yet a year ago, adding tasks, that was big news then. Now we'd be just like, well of course.

- Now it's pretty amazing what you can actually do on the app while you're traveling around. I'll tell you one of the things I am loving about the app is the keyboard, being one of them. And the second one is the enabling your caller ID, say if they're not in your address book, it'll check HubSpot to see where the person exists and say who they are.

- It'll be interesting to compare the mobile app from say three years ago, when it was all focused on marketing stuff. Remember there was the chat, a thing in there--

- Which is still in there.

- Still in there. But there was the email marketing bit. It was all marketing focused and it's piece by piece. Just move to sales--

- It became very sales focused.

- Calling, all of this. It's all around sales.

- All right, resource of the week Craig. And this is a word.

- The reason it's a resource, it's cause you've got to slip this word into your conversations this week. The word folks is umirell or umirell, U-M-I-R-E-L-L. I should have looked up the pronunciation.

- From Bologna.

- From Bologna. And here's what it means. It's so good.

- I know it's gold.

- It refers specifically to men of retirement age who passed the time watching construction sites, especially roadworks, stereotypically with hands clasped behind their back and offering unwanted advice. just great. This word is so good. I've got the link to the Wikipedia. You can read all about it. Some of the little provinces actually hire these people.

- Really?

- Yeah. It's almost like giving them meaning in retirement. Yeah, it's so sweet. It's really nice, you should read about it. But my comment is, gee, that just reminds me of my socialism. People wandering around giving unwanted advice. Anyway, that's one resource. The second. I just want to mention again, Cloudflare I don't know if you've put this in, but it's basically a DNS setting so that you can block malware and optionally adult content as well.

- That's fantastic, I didn't actually know that.

- I've got all my team on. Especially for blocking malware. Just set your DNS to point to that. And when DNS resolves, it'll block any malware. So thank you, Cloudflare.

- Is this something you need to pay for, Craig?

- No, no, all free.

- All free. Now tell me, we had this app on our phones. Cloudflare Are you still using that?

- I'm not using it on my phone now. But that's just because on the phone it interferes with when I try and use my VPN for some stuff. So I'm always turning on and off, so, I don't use that.

- And you've implemented this. So when you say all your stuff, are you--

- Oh, I have desktop. So just on Mac and Windows. You can actually do it at a router level. Actually, I'd happily do it at a router level. Basically it just redirects your DNS lookups and will block stuff that's malware. That's great.

- That's fantastic. That's the security feature of the week.

- The thing that you're talking about on the mobile app, the, it's part of the family of offerings. That's actually a DNS look, that's purely for speed because it made it quicker. That DNS look up is often part of the lag, when the DNS is resolving. Whereas Cloudflare is so fast.

- All right, onto our quote of the week, Craig. And this is from Nassim Taleb and from his book, "Skin in the Game" and it says the curse of modernity is that we are increasingly populated by a class of people who are better explaining than understanding or better at explaining than doing.

- Actions speak louder than words, in other words.

- That's right. Now we have a bonus link of the week, Craig, an editing trick. And I was looking at this and I was having a good little chuckle to myself.

- This is so good. You're trying to edit a document someone sent you. And this is from Derek Gleason of Twitter. He says, basically, say, you've got a Google Doc. You highlight the paragraph, you had a comment or what do you mean here? You wait for them to come back and explain what they mean. You just copy that out and replace it. Rinse in her fate, that's great.

- But it such a good piece of advice.

- I've got a malarkey of the week. We're not gonna cover it.

- We call it bullocks.

- It's just complete bullocks about an award we won. It's hilarious. Anyway, I'll leave that in the show notes. We won't cover that. That's a bit of an extra for our readers.

- Sign up to get the show notes and you'll see it. It's unbelievable.

- That's our call to action. Sign up to see the malarkey of the week.

- All right, listeners. Thank you again for listening. And if you have found this useful or you've got any advice like I've spoken to a few people this week that we know that listen, and it's been really nice to hear from you guys with advice on certain things. Got some friends in the UK who are gonna give us some stuff about NPS surveys. So we're waiting for it and we're looking forward to it. And even the last episode about CRM, we would love if you could share that with somebody who is interested in CRM or is looking to expand the knowledge about CRM to help them out. And again, connect with myself on LinkedIn. I'd love to hear from you and you can try connecting with Craig, but it's just best to reply to the email when you subscribe and you'll get straight to Craig. Well, Craig until next week.

- Catch you later, Ian.

- Hey there, thanks for listening to this episode of HubShots. To get the latest show notes, HubSpot tips and resources, sign up at You can also book time with us to help you grow better with HubSpot.


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